Veggie Service

Chemical Free. Pedal Powered. Malmö Grown

Vad är Veggie Service?

Kortfattade så sätter man in en viss mängd pengar på ett konto hos oss som man då använder för att beställa näringsrika, färska, närodlade grönsaker under hela odlings säsongen. Med andra ord, så betalar man i förskott för säsongens grönsaker. På bestämda dagarna kan man hämta sina beställningar från odlingen eller en upphämtningsplats i centrala Malmö eller så kan man också få grönsakerna cyklade hem till sig mot 60kr. Grönsakerna är odlade i Vintrie i södra Malmö utan konstgödsel och besprutningar och är för det mesta skördade samma dag som dem leveraras. Läs mer nedan om ni vill veta mer om hur det funkar och varför vi valde en sådan här handlings system.

Veggie Service Sign-up
Skriva in er nedan med namn, gatuadress, mejladress och vilka såsonger ni vill delta i. Vi återkommer så snart vi kan med betalningsalternativ och ytterliggare instruktioner. *Säsongens första leveranser blir av under maj månad. Fill in your name, email address, street address and which season(s) you would like to sign up for. We will get back to you as quickly as we can with payment details and further instructions. *Season opens for orders in May

New For 2024

-Season Divided Into Sessions-

Starting this year the season will be divided up into 3 different sessions: Spring, summer and fall. A deposit will be required for each session that you wish to join or for the whole season:

  • Vår Session: v18 -> v26 (1a maj -> 26e juni) – 1000kr
  • Sommar Session: v27 -> v35 (3e juli -> 28e aug) – 1500kr
  • Höst Session: v36 -> v52 (4e sep -> 23e dec) – 2500kr
  • Hel Säsong: v18 -> v52 (1a maj -> 23e dec) – 5000kr

-Delivery Fee and Pickups at the Farm-

There will now be a small fee, 60kr, for home delivery. Along with this there will now be free pickup options available at the farm and at Gram in St. Knuts.  Delivery days will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays, while pickup times will be on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.




OlliÅke Farms Veggie Service is an easy way for you to get fresh, Malmö grown vegetables that you can pick up at the farm or have delivered home to you via bicycle. We try to grow as many different types of vegetables as possible according to the season. Some of the things you can expect to see in the webshop are salad, tomatoes, potatoes, onions, beets, carrots, squash, cucumbers, spinach and much more! 

This system of connecting our farm directly to you, the consumer, is inspired by the CSA model (andelsjordbruk), where a person or family pre-pays the farmer for a whole season’s worth of vegetables and then when the season begins they begin getting a vegetable bag or box each week. What OlliÅke Farms wants to offer is something a little more flexible than that. With us you don’t have to pay for a whole season. We’d love it if you did but understand that that can be a lot of money to put out at one time. We also offer flexible delivery and product choice. So that means you have some choice over what you get, how much you get and when you get it. Some weeks you might want a lot, some not so much and some weeks you might be out of town. No problem. With our system your money stays in your account for you to use it when you want.

When you sign up for our Veggie Service you are essentially opening an account with OlliÅke Farms. You decide to sign up for the spring session, summer session, fall session or the whole season, deposit the required amount and then use that ‘credit’ to purchase vegetables. Here’s how it works:

  1. Sign up using the form below.
  2. We then send you an e-mail with instructions on how to pay (via Swish or bankgiro) and any further instructions.
  3. You make your deposit.
  4. If you’re a new customer you will receive info on how to login to your account.
  5. You can then login and start making orders. [NOTE: Estimated start of season/deliveries is May]
  6. You select your items and your desired delivery or pickup options. Pickup/delivery days are usually Wednesdays in the evenings between 17 and 19. [NOTE: Delivery service is only available within Malmö!]


IMPORTANT: The funds you deposit are for that session or season only. They do not carry over into the next session or season if you have any left in your account. If your account runs empty before the session is over you can add any amount, large or small, to your account. Just keep in mind it needs to be used up before the session ends.

We’ve chosen this method of sales to focus on for two main reasons:

One – It provides some financial stability and predictability for the farm. By pre-paying for your vegetables you are allowing us to make the necessary investments in seed stock, equipment, supplies and other necessities without having to wonder, “Are we going to sell enough later to be able to pay for these?”. This allows us to focus on growing vegetables, which obviously, is the most important thing we do.

Two – It keeps us in close contact with you, our lovely customers. Rather than deliver larger quantities of product to a grocer or restaurant we would much rather deliver directly to the people who will actually eat our products. By creating relationships with our customers it gives us instant feedback and helps to build trust not just between us but hopefully within the larger food system. 


© OlliÅke Farms 2020